In this lab you will add publish subscribe to the contacts service from the last lab. We will implement the confirmation email example from the Microservices talk.

Publish Subscribe

Publish-Subscribe Service

Create an account with PubNub

EMail Service

Create an account with MailGun .

Update Contact Service

Update the contact service to publish to your PubNub publish subscribe service. Add the PubNub.js package to your service using NPM

npm install pubnub --save

In the base folder of the contacts service, add a new folder called config. In the config folder, create a new module called pubsub.js and add the following code. Use your keys from the PubNub:

'use strict';

// Mail service configuration
// ===========================
module.exports = require("pubnub").init({
            publish_key : "pub-c-xxx",
            subscribe_key : "sub-c-xxx"

In api/contacts/app.js initialise the api by adding the following code just under the mongodb initialisation.

var pubnub = require("../../config/pubnub.js")

Now add the following code to the callback function on creation of a contact:

                        channel: 'create_contact_event',        
                        message: JSON.stringify(contact),
                        callback : function(m){console.log('New_Contact_Event:' + m)}

Test your service by adding a new contact. Check the console to see if the event is successfully published.

EMail Service

Add the MailGun-js Package to your service

npm install mailgun-js --save

Create a new Node application that subscribes to your PubNub app and sends a confirmation mail every time a new contact event is created In the base folder of your service, create a new file called mail_app.js and add the following code, updating the key and domain values from your MailGun account:

var api_key = 'key-xxx';
var domain = '';
var mailgun = require('mailgun-js')({apiKey: api_key, domain: domain});
var pubnub = require('./config/pubnub.js');

// Subscribe to the demo_tutorial channel
    channel: 'create_contact_event',
    message: function(m){console.log('Send email to '+JSON.parse(m).email);
            var data = {
            from: 'WIT BSc IT <>',
            to: JSON.parse(m).email,
            subject: 'Welcome',
            text: 'Welcome to the company!!!'

        mailgun.messages().send(data, function (error, body) {

Now test by adding a contact via your api. Make sure to include an email field in the contact object.