
The objective of this lab is to learn Markdown, an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format.


Markdown allows you to write in a simplistic syntax that can be converted to HTML and several other formats. Markdown is often used to author readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create "rich text" using a plain text editor.

Online Tutorial

To learn Markdown syntax, go here and complete the interacive tutorial.


You can author Markdown documents using any text editor however there’s no shortage of Markdown editors to choose from. There are several free editors available including some online, browser-based editors.

If you have Windows, the following review will help you select an editor.

For Mac users, this review may help you select a suitable editor.

Exercise: Markdown and Github

GitHub combines a syntax for formatting text called GitHub Flavoured Markdown with a few unique writing features. In one of the first steps of the GIT-IT tutorial you created a README.md. Update this file using suitable markdown syntax with the following example.